Monday, 25 August 2014

Chota Bheem Gully

Chota Bheem Balloon Blaster

Chotta Bheem Basketball Game

Chota Bheem Penalty Shootout

Chhota bheem has innovated the game of cricket where matkis has the run.

Chota Bheem Boat Race

Chota Bheem Troubled in Waters

Kichak and kalia have once again teamed up to terrorize the peaceful village of dholakpur, by tormenting the fishermen.

Chota Bheem and Sports Car

Avoid obstacles by jumping over them. Press space bar to perform a jump. Press the left and right keys to perform back and front flips respectively. Each successful flip rewards you 1000 points.

Chota Bheem Bull Racing

Use the arrow keys to avoid the obstacles and other racing bullocks.

Chotabheem Umpire IQ

Right click on the answer to select it. Then right click on Done t conform your answer. Questions answered within 30 seconds awarded the 10 points. Answered with in 10 seconds awarded 20 points.

Chota Bheem Hurdle Race New Game

Press the left right buttons to increase the speed.Press the space bar to jump.

Play Chutki Indian Dress Compitition Game

Chota Bheem Tug of War

the game is simple. beem and frends have to pull the red tab forward them to win. for that they need the power. you have to ensour that the power meater on top of each character never gets empty.

Chota Bheem Power Strike

left click holde to increase the power. release to strik the ball.

Chota Bheem Archery

move your mouse to set the angle. click and hold your left mouse button to set the power, release to shoot an arrow. press the right arrow key to check the distance of the target.

Chota Bheem Long Jump

Chota Bheem Long Jump

point the mouse down. click and holde up power behind the short. release the click and point mouse upwards when the ball is delevered to play the short. chase the target set to became cricketer.

Chota Bheem Cricket Challenge

point the mouse down. click and holde to build up power behind the short. release the click and point mouse upwards when the ball is delivered to play the short. chase the target set to become slumdog cricketer..

Bheem Game Laddu

Chotta Bheem, the Saviour of Dholakpur

Help Chotta bheem with his Laddoo gun. Place your shot by placing mouse cursor and decide the angle of your shot. Use the power band on left side of screen to decide the power used to fire laddoos on thieves and take them down.. You have limited number of laddoos, so don't waste your shots.